Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How To Have A Happier, More Positive Day

We all know how hard it can be to pick yourself up from hard times, and although initially it is easier to just stay on the couch or in bed; there are so many ways to allow yourself to have a happier, more positive day!

Exercise. Do you have a dog? Take him for an extra walk everyday! Try to set a goal to get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day; whether it’s going outside for a walk, swimming a couple of laps, or going on a run. When you exercise, it not only whips your body into shape, but it releases endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are the chemicals that make you happy, and exercise is one of the simplest ways to release them!

Do a good deed. Go help your friend move out of their apartment, pay the tab for the car behind you in the drive-thru, or simply help your grandmother by mowing her lawn or helping around the house. Doing something nice for someone else will without fail make you feel so much better, because you made someone else happy.

Practice positive affirmations. These can seem daunting at first, but they will do a world of good for your mental state of being. So often we get caught up in our crazy lives and can experience so many things that bring us down that it’s easy to forget how great we really are. Remind yourself by affirming how much you’ve accomplished in your life; about what you’re doing now, and how much good you’ll do in the future. These don’t even take much time out of your day, do them while you apply your makeup, or while your taking a shower in the morning!

Knock something off your to-do list. Have you been meaning to clean the gutters on your home? Maybe you’ve avoided going to the dentist or to get a new haircut? Get something done, pick out a task that you’ve given yourself but have been avoiding and do it! Once you do, it will feel as though a weight has been lifted and you’ll find it so satisfying.

Be positively aware. Instead of looking at situations, even negative situations, as a bad thing; find the good in it, the silver lining. You will see your overall mood lift very quickly once you learn to see the good in everything.

These are just a few simple tips to lead you into having a happier, more positive day and life. Take these tips on whole heartedly, because everyone deserves it!