Tuesday, November 25, 2014


staying humble
Positivity is the number one most important trait to adopt in life. It allows you to see the world in a much clearer light, and you will find that you are finally able to accept those negative experiences and truly appreciate the good. In fact, over time you will find that your life will seem to become a cycle of those great experiences; and the negatives will tend to just slip away. In order to adapt to a more positive lifestyle, one must learn to create a humble personality for themselves. Although this seems easy enough, most people will find it surprisingly difficult to truly contribute their new found outlook, especially at first. But once you start, it becomes exceedingly rewarding!

Here are a few traits to live by when choosing to live a more positive, humble lifestyle:

Admit to yourself that you are not the best at everything

Chances are you might have been the best at something in your life, maybe it’s a certain sport or academics, but it is impossible to be the best at everything. The best part? That is perfectly okay!

Stop judging others

Often times we find ourselves judging others for their faults without even taking a moment to recognize our own. Next time you find yourself judging someone’s hair or maybe their outfit, stop and recognize something within yourself that you can work on instead of being hard on others.

Be grateful

This one can be really tough, even if it doesn’t seem that way. Some people have much to be thankful for, but instead they continue to want more. Maybe they got a raise at work, but it wasn’t enough, or although you have a nice home, your sister’s house is nicer. Also, when you do feel as though you have it better than another individual, don’t brag over it. Simply decide to be okay with what you do have and you’ll find you have a lot more time to be happy. being humble quote

Learn how to apologize when you are wrong

As hard as it is to admit, everyone is wrong sometimes, and you will find that it is the most humbling experience to extend an apology to those you've wronged and to be okay with it. It is equally important to learn to forgive yourself.

Listen more than you talk

Humble people do not have to hide their large personalities or be embarrassed over quieter ones, but it is important to be extra considerate of everyone involved in a conversation. Once you start listening more, you will learn much more than you realized you could, and you’ll enjoy everyday conversations much more when everyone is an equal participant!

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